When the Astronauts Landed on the Moon in 1969, and discovered that there was no Gravitational pull; how did they keep their Parking Space?


I'm Thinking that Gravity is Established by Mass, and Weight of a Solid Object, ( M + W = G ). 0701 / 2017


0703 / 2017 Big Kahuna, you seem to be it the no; Is N.A.S.A. Capitalized as Need Another Seven Astronaut's? 0703 / 2017


Favorite Answer

Of course the Moon has gravity. I can't work out whether you are a troll or just very, very stupid.


Yes, gravity is established by mass.
Are you under the impression the moon has no mass?

Big Kahuna2017-07-02T12:57:54Z

Gravity was supplied by the parking meter.

spot a2017-07-02T07:27:04Z

Your own body has gravity. All atoms have gravity. What made you think there is no gravity on the moon? The interaction between the moon's gravity (1/6 of earth's gravity) and the earth's gravity is what keeps the moon in orbit around the earth


The parking space was reserved in advance - and, no one was capable of stealing it - so, they got to keep it... and, the moon does have gravity - it's surface gravity is about 1/6th that of Earth's. So, that helped...

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