Christians, Does God want His children to always be in good health and prosperous? Are all sickness from Satan?


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Sickness is sometimes a vehicle for growing somebody or preparing them for after life reward or for cleansing or atonement of sins


But Satan was created by god, so...

Alan H2017-07-02T12:34:52Z

Faith does not create immunity from problems and pain.

Donut Tim2017-07-02T11:28:03Z

Each type of sickness and disease has its own separate cause.

As long as you are willing to accept that magic is involved, you will never find the cause of a certain sickness, but you will have an answer. If all you want is "any" answer, you will be satisfied.


Sure he wants us to take care of ourselves. Our spiritual well being is easily the more important thing but that doesn't mean we shouldn't care about how we treat our bodies.
As far as sickness goes I think sin can cause sickness but I don't think it is all necessarily caused by sin (or the sin of the person who is sick). In a general sense there was no sickness or death before sin entered the world so in that sense you could say it is caused by sin. However, a person does not have to be living a sinful lifestyle to get sick. Many children and babies get sick and they are innocent.

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