Have each member on this web site still hold their earned levels? Mike?

It used to be when a question is answered 02 points were given to each answer even to answers that may have been wrong.


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Yes and the points and levels haven't changed.


Still like that


What are you talking about, and who is Mike?


Not sure I understand what you are asking.

No, some members have NOT maintained their levels, as they chose to stalk me, and harrass me daily, and lost their level 7 accounts because of it.

Yes, you still get 2 pts for answering, as far as I know............10 pts for a best answer.

Yes, I have maintained my above and Beyond Level 7 account going on 6 years now. ----despite stalkers attacking me repeatedly.

haters gotta hate........but I'm still me.


Hmm! No clue, I'm not ambitious

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