With 4 layers of bullet proof clothing could any bullets really go through?

In cold places like Russia and Alaska and around the world when its winter and snowing couldn t layers of bullet proof clothing be incredibly tough. I saw you can customize bullet proof clothes get bulletproof thermals, shirts, a long sleeve, and then a jacket with all those layers of bulletproof clothes can anything really go through maybe a sniper bullet right.


Bullet proof clothing and even bullet proof vest are made to stop low velocity pistol ammunition

they are not made to stop high velocity rifle ammunition

thats why the military wears ceramic plates as inserts in their bullet proof vest-- to stop high velocity rifle ammunition


It depends on which bullets you're talking about.
The Marines were surprised when the CHICOMS stood up to .30 carbine rounds because of all the clothing they had on, but like Inks said-- it depends on the round.


Wearing 4 layers of bullet resistant (not proof) clothing means you will hardly be able to walk.

Armed with Inkstick2017-07-12T21:15:27Z

Nothing is "bulletproof". Some things are bullet-resistant, and some more than others.

Not all "bulletproof" things are equal. There are levels of bulletproofness.

Even four layers of Level IV wouldn't stop a .50 cal round (or it would and the blunt trauma kills you anyway) or higher.

So no, no it wouldn't.

Roger K2017-07-12T20:55:45Z

You will have to try it out for yourself.
Make out your will - just in case.