Thumbs Up / Down For Questions?

If questions could be thumb up / down as answers it is only fair?
Further, if questions could be thumb up / down connected to "reporting" and if a question got X amount of thumbs down "reported" so that level 7's don't have the ability to report?

Also, if questions could get thumbs up, question asker's should also get a "point" for asking excellent questions?

Be an Angel2017-07-13T15:00:37Z

Favorite Answer

Your thumbs up thumbs down idea on questions has some merit, then if people click to answer a question with lots of thumbs downs there could be a prescreen that says "some questions at Yahoo answers seem to inauthentic or based around how much reaction they can get. This could be one of those questions. Do you want to proceed?"

just the extra screen to reply to a troll might cause people to be more attentive to the other questions

I alos think they should advertise yahoo answers on the front page


Reporting is not limited to Level 7s. Any trusted member can report a question that breaks the rules.
I like the idea of a thumbs up for a good question.
I am not keen on the idea that questions can be 'voted out' just because enough people don't like it.
There should be a lifetime ban for the members who post the same (typically stupid) questions over and over again.