Favorite Answer
Yes, I do. The place of worship has been turned into a common market place by the programme. It should be treated with more respect, and that means not allowing secular programmes to be made there. Programmes about religious matters are acceptable, I think. By the way, I have no real interest in religious matters, but your question struck a nerve with me!
I do not get too uncomfortable about the Flog It Programme being filmed in Gloucester Cathedral, it had been
agreed with the Dean and Chapter who rented it out for a fee.
No doubt the Dean has to find ways of bringing in funds to help with keeping the fabric of the building
in good repair.
I did feel that it was not in keeping with moral standards when I noticed that an episode of Inspector George
Gently included a gun fight in Durham Cathedral some years ago.
I guess that the Anglican Church will do anything to make money these days.
Comrade Bolshev
Not as much as I get when I see steep charges for entry to a cathedral. You have made it a den of thieves, You being the Church of the England that Thatcher built.