Comments on this telescope please?

I am interested in getting an entry level telescope with the primary goals of lunar and planetary viewing (as opposed to deep space objects). I have a good bit of experience with photography and microscopy. The Celestron Advanced VX 8" EdgeHD appears to be about the level that I am looking for with a decent, but not huge aperture, Go To system, and reasonable portability.

I have both Nikon and Sony full frame cameras for image capture.

Would you recommend a different scope (somewhere near this price point)?

What accessories do you consider indispensible?

I plan to use the scope to observe the eclipse. Aside from the necessary neutral density filter and suitable eye protection for myself, is there anything else I would need?


Thanks everyone. Very helpful
I did purchase the scope


"Aside from the necessary neutral density filter and suitable eye protection for myself"

To be clear, those are completely separate - the ND filter must be dark enough to allow you to use the 'scope without any additional protection.


Visit the Goodwill.


Yes, ..., that's an excellent scope. You should get some great views with it and capture some great picks. Just remembered, that astrophotograohy is much more difficult than terrestrial photography, so it will take some patience to get it right.. Add on top of that learning to use a new scope, getting your alignment right and then capturing and stacking the image.

I took the following image of two elliptical galaxies (NGC6196 & IC4614) near M13 early on Saturday morning (7/22). It took some time to aquire the image and make sure it was properly focused.