Why did God not wash out the Bad ones in Canaan, the Promised Land, to the Children of Israel? 0801 / 2017?


In the daze of NOAH there was no Problem Cleansing Egypt of the undesirables; why was the Burdon of Canaan and its Inhabitants placed upon the Children of Israel { NUMBERS C: 33, V: 52 - 55 }, and if Noah and his Crew were spared, would not the Children Select and Space just a few of Canaan; after all they were Created in the Image of God? 0801 / 2017


Must have been Ramses, in order to save Egypt from the Canine Infestation, Exiled them and released the Oceans after them. Heads up NOAH. lol.. ...0808 / 2017


Because Of Joshua becoming so Old that He could not fulfill Gods plan. And as the Bible tells us, The Canaanites where never completely annihilated !!


It's a lazy and decietfull 'god'. After the israelites commanded by moses murdered everybody except all the young girls the lazy god just filled it up with all the israelite murderers and pillagers. It's in the old testament for all to read.

