How can I be more comfortable around crying people?

Whenever someone cries in front of me I feel very uncomfortable. (Think Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory" with his awkward patting and "there, there".) Even when my boyfriend does it! All I want to do is make the person happy again even though I know crying is healthy and that I should encourage it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never cry in front of anyone myself? I can't just say, "Crying people make me very uncomfortable". What should I do?


I don't know...i used to be the master of empathy and knew EXACTLY what to do and say in ANY emotional situation but I somehow lost it. Now I'm the "there there" useless person and it's killing me. I hate being emotionally detached, it's messing with my writing, with my relationships, with my creativity. I used to be very unhinged and bipolar but now I've stabilized (no drugs, just vitamins) but I miss the crazy me, she was hilarious, inspiring, creative and recklessly fun. Now I'm normal, more at peace with myself than ever, but I'm also boring and sad and pathetic. I've gained peace but lost my connection with sounds nuts but I'd be willing to go crazy again if it meant FEELING again, being able to tap into other people's emotions at will, even if it destroys me.

