How can protect my account from hacker.?


Favorite Answer

1: Do not use the same password on more then one sight when posable.
2: Do not use any family names or birthday's, etc
3: Use 2-Setp auth when potable.
4: Add an recovery email when you can
5: Do not tell Anyone your password EVER
6: Do not have your username in your password
7: Use CaPs and numbers when you can
8: Add a security question when you can
9: Have the password be long
10: Make sure you have an way to recover your account in case of an hijack.
11; Do not tell your webbrowser to save passwords when

You do not use internet safety (EX: CLICKING ON EVERYTHING)
You are using a public computer / a shared computer

12: Run a Virus and a Malware scan once a week to make sure you have no keyloggers.


There's not much you can do when it comes to your account being hacked. If you notice any suspicious things happening on your account, change your password to something strong and something you'd only be able to guess. If you're able to, you can set an alert to let you know when your account's been accessed on another device.