If someone bullies you and is well loved by others but wants support when someone hurts her, would you rise above and support her?

0NE TRlCK P0NY2017-08-10T14:22:39Z

I sent my bully flowers after I put him in the Hospital.


Maybe if I changed. If not let the world take care of her. Karma has a way of doing what we cannot if we cannot judge we do well to take care of ourselves. Do what is best for us and move on to better things. I think we don't focus on ourselves enough we are always worried about other people. A bully is someone who needs to grow up emotionally. And is still bully so leave their company and live your life as you would like.

Tad Dubious2017-08-10T13:39:41Z

'Web, Tad does not believe in that whole "bully" thing. It is life. You live with it, deal with it, and move on.


No. Fvck her. Let her go to her friends