Who has seen the movie ASTRAL CITY, or read the Book "Communication With the Spirit World of God" by Johannes Greber?


I know the book. It's where a lot of the Jehovah's Witness doctrine and specific alterations in their own published Bible come from. Johannes Greber wrote a pretty blasphemous version of the New Testament and the JWs used that as the basis for changes they made in their book. I hesitate to even call it a Bible, because it isn't. They also followed along with some of his beliefs about certain things and still teach them to this day, though they no longer consider him a source and call him demonic. It's ironic to me.

Forrest Toney2017-08-15T20:02:51Z

I did several times . It gives more realistic information of what the after-life is like ; accept I do not believe in reincarnation .


Not me, I only read non-fiction.

Mark IX2017-08-15T08:09:34Z

I'm going to say only *********.