So a family is going away and they asked me to walk their dogs and wanted to know how much I charged. The last family I walked for (a week and a half) was $7 a day but only went by once a day for like 20 mins. This family wants me to come by 3 times a day to walk 2 of their dogs and I don't know how much to charge them.
20 minutes is not enough exercise for any dog, that is enough if it is just to go potty.
What sizes are the dogs? Breeds if you know them. Leash trained & obedient? How old are you? You've only done this one time before? Are they neighbors or friends of family? Get permission in writing so you are authorized to take dog(s) to Vet if something happens.
If you are going to be dog sitting a lot you need to get insured & bonded. If an expensive dog dies or is killed, you'd owe them the amount the dog cost. High hundreds & up into the thousands. Remember you are 100% responsible for the dogs while in your care.
Don't know what you should charge, just bringing up points you should be aware of. You must be responsible.