What is YOUR favorite/best way of learning?

So, I discovered I love to learn. I don't know what it is, maybe the thrill of becoming interested in something and finding out there's so much more and it goes so much deeper or perhaps the just the quest to learning as much as I can before I hit the limit to how much I can learn. I'm currently at that age of self discovery (17 years old) and I still have a lot of time to find my way of learning but earlier the better. My current strategy is to just sample it and dig deep for a couple weeks then most likely move on but for some things, I stuck around. Please let me know of your way of learning and maybe I'll sample at that and see if it works for me, or maybe even mix all of your answers together and come up with a Frankenstein learning technique. Thanks for your time and have a great day!


I don't have a favourite way of learning or really a best one but my normal method goes something like focus on that one thing from 8 in the morning until 4 in the morning then sleep, wake up at 10, regret my life choices, don't really do anything for that day, think about what I learned the previous day, more regretting life choices, sleep really early, wake up at 8 and repeat the first day. For me it works surprisingly well