Merriam-Webster definition: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism. Nothing about 'communism', but close to 'socialism'. What?! That has to go!
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"Liberal" is not a dirty word except to racists,the KKK, etc. -- the Trump supporters who handle anything that isn't filled with hate, bigotry and violence.
when the ism is added, and politicallyembraced ..... that makes it a mental disorder.. often resulting in violence.......... communism, socialism, marxism, fascism, liberalism, progressive ism.. whatever political ism...... they all have the same goal... a totalitarianist state......they just differ in how to achieve that
Been that way since I was a kid...and yes, "liberal" is a complete misnomer. Liberals today could be more accurately called statist progressives. Liberal implies freedom and what these fools are pushing can hardly be called freedom.