How to calculate this time to nearest quarter hour?
I need to calculate to the nearest quarter hour; Worked 8 am - noon, 7:15 AM - 5:45 PM, 7:15 AM-5:45 PM, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. 5:30 pm -7:15 pm. I am getting 34.75 hours worked, is this correct or am I miscalculating my time worked?
If the time periods you list include a lunch break, make sure you're getting a paid lunch break before you count it as time worked. Claiming time that wasn't worked is generally grounds for termination.
One way to do it is to convert all times to minutes. You do this by AM times - multiplying 60 times the hour and adding that number to the minutes PM times - multiplying 60 times (12 + the hour) and adding that number to the minutes
now divide by 60 to get the hours, remainder equals minutes hours = 10, minutes = 30
SO: convert all times to minutes subtract starting times from ending times to get time worked each shift add the results of all the time worked convert that to hours and minutes dividing by 60