How do you write dialogue?

Shadow sat by her bedside placing his hand over hers and said, "Are you going to be okay? My second made you unconscious using his power to put your mind to sleep. I won't let him do that again. My name is Shadow. I welcome you to my academy."


Are you going to be okay? My second made you unconscious using his power to put your mind to sleep. I won't let him do that again. My name is Shadow. I welcome you to my academy" he said as he placed his hand over hers


Shadow sat by her bedside placing his hand over hers. Are you going to be okay? My second made you unconscious using his power to put your mind to sleep. I won't let him do that again. My name is Shadow. I welcome you to my academy" he said.


Favorite Answer

I know writing dialogue is tough. It has to sound like the speech of your character. It can't sound hokey and it has to advance the story without sounding like an information dump. My credo has always been, "When perplexed, look it up in a book." so below is the url of what my library has with "write" and "dialogue" in the record. Crow's answer will provide the examples.

"Write" or "Writing" and "Dialogue" might work in your internet browser's search box.

I think your third version is the best one. Don't feel afraid to change it if it sounds awful when you edit your story later. The main thing right now is to type your story into the database so you don't forget any of it. When you've finished it, you can make any changes it needs.

They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage2017-08-31T22:49:03Z

None of these.

You wrote a monologue.

Go listen to a real conversation, they're not information dumps where one person orates.


As Crow put it. You need to read more. A LOT more.