What are up to three names you have been given by others?

I have been called Beautiful Nessamei by Roxette when I was in my twenties.

I was called Sleeping Beauty by my stepdad and he wasn't being weird.

I have been called a prude by others offline and online.


My dog refers to me as Dingbat Muldoon.

For some reason known only to the person who uses the name, I'm also called Fairy Princess. In a non-ironic way.


Radio guy...I'm an expert in old radio shows
Clown....I'm one
Mailman....same reason


G Man
The Fleeg


Dexy by my dad.

Hyena, which a companion started.

And.. Pretty Boy. I can't recall who started that one, but it was when I was a young teenager. I'm in my late twenties and still get called that a lot.