Why do people do things like this?

I was near a friend's house and I was texting somebody. Four black guys (I'm not racist) were on bikes and one of them tried to take my phone. I managed to hold on to it but another came up right behind him and said "Sorry about my brother. He...". Then he took my phone and they took off on their bikes. I chased after them yelling "Give me my fùcking phone back." After about three blocks they set it down and yelled "It's on the floor." I also wonder why they even gave it back. I guess they didn't expect a tiny white woman to chase after them LOL.


Hey Shanna do you know a Donald babino?


They probably fancied u, u know what booys are like.


I wouldn't have gave it back, I would of probably sold it on ebay.

Trump 20202017-09-07T01:43:31Z

And blacks have the nerve to claim the reason so many of them are doing time is because whitey is racist.


Mostly because it's fun. Also because you just might have been right that bring a small white woman makes you an easy target for them.
BTW: describing the peeps doesn't make one "racist". It's unreal how indoctrinated the propaganda Machine has made everyone.