Why do people ask basic questions on YA when there's Google?

I don't mind answering these questions, but really, when I run into questions like, "Who won the Civil War?" or "How can I bake a cake without using flour?" or "Is it safe to drink bleach?" can't people just Google the answers to that?

Do they even know what Google is? Do you even Google bruh?


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to get attention


Have often wondered at this 'asking stupid question trend, ' as there seems no reason at all for such a degree of stupidity, We also get American contributors who ask such ridiculously simple arithmetic problems that it unbelievable. A a four year old could answer these problems, then it can only be that these questions are asked intentionally, for for what purpose is unknown.
Cannot see any advantage in looking thick or giving the impression that your mentally deficient. Can someone please offer an explanation perhaps ?


Update: if I want to know something, then maybe I would first look it up. If I can't find an answer, then I would try to do troubleshooting, so I can get an answer. If I can't find anything, then I would ask someone what I want to know. Perhaps someone has an answer, or nobody has an answer to my question(s).

In my opinion, I think less effort is made here to ask, and answer questions than on Google. I also think it's a lot easier to ask, and answer questions here than on google.

Not all questions are basic. There are questions that are very difficult to answer. I have answered a lot of questions here, and I admit that some of them were easy to answer, and some of them were very hard to answer.

For example:

There are people who ask questions about how to hack, and there are people who have difficulty with their web programming, and they need help to troubleshoot whatever problems they have with it.

Googling to find an answer might be possible to do, but sometimes it can take a long time to find an answer on Google.

Google might not have an answer, depending on the question asked here,

Tom and Anna Marie2017-09-15T20:54:50Z

Google is the name of a company. Here is a question for you. Is it technically possible to google something using the Yahoo search engine? I worked in a data center for 13 years and google was not used to imply "internet search" but it is easier to say and has become the understood meaning. Back to your question, I think it is a part of today''s socially inclined younger generation to try to interact and ask questions. Almost all windows 10 questions can be searched off line using the built in search engine but it seems very few folks use it. To your point, a question can be typed into a on line search engine exactly as it would be worded if asked here and the results will be plentiful. For grins, I did a qoogle search on your question and got several answers. One site was

Diane A2017-09-15T20:20:22Z

that has been speculated upon since YA answered opened. and the answer really is: who really knows? also why people post on here when it would be faster going to the source (when does store X close?, for example). Laziness comes to mind.

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