That would be nice if that Church is following and obeying all of Jesus' sayings .
Uncle Thesis
Be very careful about which church you associate with.
Best not to follow a church, even if you think its a good one.
Follow Biblical truth.
Disciple of Truth
Go with God's guidance. While there are good fellowships out there, most try to put themselves between you and God. They keep you from God instead of growing you closer, and expect you to believe what they say.
As I said, there are good fellowships out there, and you definitely could use some Christian guides, but tread with your eyes wide open, and keep God always held in higher regard then the voice of even other Christians, no matter their position. Also realize that God never commanded church attendance, though we are told not to forsake meeting together (Hebrews 10:25). Meeting together can take many forms.
Wherever you go, keep your discussion with God about it going. I was looking at working at a particular Christian school. When I asked God what He thought about it, he showed me both something good and something lacking at that school.
Here are some hints:
Look for a fellowship that reads their Bibles on their own time and knows them. Look for a body that values all members' contributions and expects them, not just from a few on the stage. Look for respect for people's individual walks with God even when they don't always look like what they expect. On the other hand, they shouldn't compromise the truth of the Bible no matter who doesn't like it. Look for a church that teaches repentance and actually corrects people; smaller fellowships are better for this, though big churches often have small groups. Most importantly, look for a church that lives what the Bible preaches.
I also recommend you read Acts and 1 Corinthians (especially chapter 12-14) to get an idea of how God intends a body to function.
Which church? There are hundreds of denominations, and if you choose the wrong one you'll start a flame war on R&S.