My math teacher is creeping me out. Help?

He’s in his 30s and a few hours ago I got a follow request on Instagram from him and I accepted but I thought that was a little weird bc I didn’t give him my instagram but didn’t think much of it but things got weirder because he liked all my posts and started commenting you’re beautiful and I would kill to be with you in those pics so I got kinda creeped out and deleted the comments then I got a message from him saying can we exchange numbers. That’s really weird and I should also mention he’s MARRIED and has kids what do I do about this?


1st why did u accept his instagram request.. ignore him or block him so that he does not view ur pages


Tell your mommy


That is 110% wrong.

A teacher of a student should NOT EVER try to follow/befriend them on social media. It is wrong and inappropriate.

I am a teacher myself.

Screenshot his follow request and save it, show your parents and the principle at your school ASAP. If your teacher reaches out to you, IGNORE HIM! DO NOT RESPOND!


Report him to the school you attend.

The same hapoened to me (math teacher too), I was just fifteen years old. Creep left the school mid school year,mthank God!


tell your school about it

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