What is with the Double Standard?

So I was chatting with a girl and she asked me how tall I was. I asked her why and she says she only dates tall guys. So I asked her how much she weighs and she got angry with me and demanded to know why.

I told her I only date skinny girls and she called me a bunch of hateful names and logged off.

Why is it she can dictate the body type SHE wants and I'm supposed to just accept it, but when I want to dictate the body type I want she has the audacity to get angry at me over it?

Someone please explain this double standard to me.


Just for the record, I AM tall and I don't just date skinny girls...I actually like 'em a little bit meatier if ya know what I mean.

It just really pissed me off.


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It's in human nature. "discrimination is wrong, except for when I do it"

Just look at hate groups such as BLM, feminism, or gay pride. They somehow think they're doing good by excluding and discriminating against people who don't fit their agendas, somehow in the name of "equality".
The girl you talked to is just a shallow hypocrite.


You certainly got angry in a hurry. A mature guy would have responded to her question with "I don't think we would be a good match. Goodbye."

Instead, you felt to need to zing her with an equally shallow question. You have a short temper, which is a very bad thing.


I see no double standard


Because us girls can be buttholes sometimes not all of us but a lot of us. We kinda suck but guys kinda do to. We all suck such is life. Hope you find a better chick then that people these days are so sensitive.


Don't know, but unfortunately there will never be total equality

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