If we were really living in hell, would we know it? Who would be the president?


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We would know it because Donald Trump would be president. WAIT! OMG!


If you are in Hell, you will be burning , weeping and shouting and you will know it...dont worry..

Everyone has to die physically on the day appointed by God. But there is another death after death, which is very dangerous and fearsome. Second death is eternal separation from God and being punished for sins in the Hell fire. Every human being has sinned and no one is perfect before a Holy God. There is only one way to escape this fiery Judgement. The Only True God(Father, Spirit, Son) is the God - who created the Heaven and Earth. He loved mankind so much, that He sent His only son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross.

Only Christ's righteousness is perfect enough before God and hence you need to believe in Him ALONE(Not self-righteousness, not Mary, not religion, not saints, not religious leaders) for Salvation. In that case, you will not be cast out because you will be perfect by His Grace and His Righteousness. If you believe in your own good works and self-righteousness for Salvation, you will be in trouble.

“All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away” (Isaiah 64:6).

1 Corinthians 1:30- "But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption," By accepting Jesus as your savior, you can prevent this second death(death of your soul).


The premise of your childish "question" comes from comic books.

"Hell" means the grave. Dead people don't have presidents. They have death.

Hell is not an alternate place to live, and the devil is not there ~ he's HERE in
this world deceiving people into believing exactly your kind of notions of "hell".

People stay in the grave until either of two outcomes ~
The "dead in Christ" will rise to life and join living Christians when Jesus returns.
The other dead people stay in the grave a thousand years until Judgement Day.


on earth ! look to syria, North Korea, this is Hell on earth


Our pictures of heaven and hell are largely attributed to Dante.

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