Happy Halloween, Rock & Pop!! What are your plans for this day?

Happy Halloween, Rock & Pop! What will you guys do for today, to celebrate Halloween? Personally, I listened to classic post-punk bands such as Joy Division, Wire & The Cure, then I'm going to eat dinner with a friend. Also, I think that I'll watch "A Nightmare on Elm Street" tonight, with a friend.

BQ: Any spooky post-punk tunes that you want to share with me?
BQ2: In your view, what albums are the best ones to listen to, on Halloween?
BQ3: Which of the following bands is the scariest and/or most disturbing, for you: The Cure, Joy Division, Swans, The Velvet Underground, or Black Sabbath.
BQ4: If the albums of Wire, Sonic Youth & Slowdive were horror movies, then what types of horror movies would they be? Who would direct them, and who would star in those movies?


Thanks! I'm working tonight. BQ: Surfin' Dead by The Cramps (written for The Return of the Living Dead movie 1985).
BQ2: Bauhaus, Henry Cow, White Zombie, HorrorPops, The Ramones (eg Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Pet Semetary, I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement): https://youtu.be/CDD4LYqYdnU
BQ3: Black Sabbath
BQ4: Maybe a Film Noir style Dracula movie. Directed by Wire's Colin Newman, and Starring Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) and Rachel Goswell (Slowdive).


Yowee Brandon, I hope you had a great day mate! Mine was spent changing/ having repaired a flat tyre on my car, repairing a bad carby on a lawnmower and very little else (except for listening to music of course.

BQ: Any spooky post-punk tunes that you want to share with me?
Pulsallama- The devil lives in my husband's body (spooky in a fun way)

BQ2: In your view, what albums are the best ones to listen to, on Halloween?
By artists such as DAF, Pink Turns Blue or Death in June (actually, I should post one by them)
The Calling (Mk II)

BQ3: Which of the following bands is the scariest and/or most disturbing, for you: The Cure, Joy Division, Swans, The Velvet Underground, or Black Sabbath.
The Cure- i've never gotten out of the sanitarium I was in while listening to them back in the day.

BQ4: If the albums of Wire, Sonic Youth & Slowdive were horror movies, then what types of horror movies would they be? Who would direct them, and who would star in those movies?
Hmmn, interesting. I'd say a story about varying LSD trips on the most part (in a good way).


It's a Psychobilly night!

Now playing


Nothing. Trick or Treating was last Sunday. Im at the coffeeshop.



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