Is there a way to remove every other character in a paragraph?
The PDFs I'm sifting through are a bit messed up and have long descriptions that need to be copied into a single document. When I go to copy-paste them, every character is copied twice.
"However, due to production scheduling constraints"
"Hooweevveerr,, dduuee ttoo pprroodduuccttiioonn sscchheedduulliinngg ccoonnssttrraaiinnttss"
Not sure why the capital 'H' is only copied once, but losing /that/ I can live with.
Is there a way to remove every other character other than manually? Preferably through Excel, Word, Notepad, or similar. There are MANY documents and descriptions to go through.
I know I could write a program that does this, but copying from my program software is even more tedious.
EDIT: Also looks like spaces are only copied once. This is annoying.