What is really in the McDonald's McRib sandwich, and why is it so good?

I'm scared to find out what it is really made from, but they are so good.


test is good


I second on Brilliant Answer's answer. The McRib does contain real pig ingredients, which is why the McRib is not available all year long, as Brilliant Answer mentioned.

At the same time, your speculation is 100% correct, You better believe the McRib contains ingredients that you would rather not want to know about. Enjoying the McRib is much more easier to do when consuming it under the intellectually bashful and blissfully ignorant mentality so many of us are advertised when it comes to eating fast food, particularly McDonald's.


I don't know whats in it, but it's the one thing that they serve that I like, but it is too expensive.


They sit in the vat of bbq sauce all day long from open to close.


They're good because when you take a s hit you can clear out the bathroom pretty quickly. Make sure you do a courtesy flush also. Don't be a a sswipe.

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