Are there any places where either spring or fall happens around X-Mas time?

In the US. winter starts around X-Mas & summer starts around June. Is it either spring or fall at around Christmas?

If so, where?


Summer in half of the world. In Brazil women are on the beach in 100 degree temps.

Andrew Smith2017-11-16T00:09:58Z

Winter/summer occur at those parts of the motion of the earth where the axis is tilted towards the sun.
Spring/ autumn occur where the tilt of the earth is in the same plane as its motion around the sun.
Clearly both things cannot occur on the same planet at the same time.

So to have spring or autumn at Christmas we need to either a) rearrange the calendar to shift where Christmas happens, or b) move to a different planet.

Randy P2017-11-15T23:50:57Z

When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere (where the US is), it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere (where, for instance, Australia is).

Every place on earth is in one of those hemispheres. Those are your only two choices.