HappyThanksgiving, Rock & Pop!! What are your plans for today?

Happy Thanksgiving, Rock & Pop!! What will you guys do, for today? Personally, I picked up some food from a store with my brother, and I've been relaxing with my family ever since then. My family & I will go to a family friend's house, as well.

Additionally, as a side note, I would like to apologize about my absence, from Rock & Pop. Life got in the way for a while, and there's some stuff in my current situation that I can't talk about, that got in the way of Y!A.

BQ: Do you guys have any good Thanksgiving songs, that you want to share with me?
BQ2: What do you like about Thanksgiving?
BQ3: In your view, why is family such an important part of Thanksgiving?
BQ4: Do you see any similarities, between The Velvet Underground & Sonic Youth?

Bony Iommi2017-11-24T20:19:28Z

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, man! I hope you're able to sort out those issues you're dealing with. Best of luck to you.

I came home to see the family, as did my sister. We cooked dinner and then just hung out, watched TV, etc.

BA1: "Now Be Thankful" -- Fairport Convention

BA2: It's never been my favorite holiday, but it's a nice day to spend time with the family and appreciate them. And, of course, my mom is an excellent cook.

BA3: Your family shapes who you are -- it is from your parents (hopefully) that you learn a set of values and morals that guides how you act with others. One who has had a good upbringing, like my sister and I have, should always be thankful for what they have been given by their family -- not everyone is so fortunate.

BA4: There are definitely similarities -- New York-based, alternate tunings, dark humor, and a merging of an abrasive sound and pop sensibilities.


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Same to you, Brandon, and I hope your stuff situation improves.
No family left here, just me & brother, two old guys.
Great weather, which was very nice after a cold snap a couple of days ago, to 16F.
Main gig today is cooking... Eggs Benedict for brunch, lasagna this evening.
On the side, looking for more good recipes on the internet, more news than who groped/denies it today, and wandering a bit in YA. Meanwhile, there's usually music playing here, but nothing seasonal. With only a few weeks left in the year, I'll tidy things up in that time, and make sure I give a BA for every Q I've asked... I recommend doing all these things...


I'm Aussie so our thanks giving is in January and it's called Australia Day, we celebrate by going to the beach (or by listening to leftists guilt us about the poor aborigines, and they call it "Invasion Day" instead)