atheists: who was neanderthal? who was cave man?

adam and eve


Adam and Eve never existed but neanderthal's were real.

Monica P2017-12-09T15:11:15Z

200 thousand years before some desert dwellers wrote their book people lived on the Earth they had no real language and they worship the sun writing hadn't been invented so the only proof (there i said it PROOF) is in the pictures they left behind. The neanderthals were a failed branch of the human family like dwarfs and pigmies


Neanderthals were early people. Cave men are people who live in caves. I know a couple of cave men. Adam and Eve are part of a creation myth.


Atheists do not believe in gods, that's it. Atheism has nothing to do with science and vice versa. Palaeoanthropology is science and is accepted by theists and atheists alike.

That being said, there was a wide variety of hominins after the line that led to humans diverged from the line that led to chimpanzees about six million years ago. Various genera have been found including Sahelanthropus, Ardipithecus and Australopithecus before the genus Homo appeared with Homo habilis a little less than three million years ago. Homo habilis became Homo ergaster which in turn became Homo erectus (which evolved to become Homo floresiensis and others) and Homo heidelbergensis. Homo heidelbergensis evolved into Homo sapiens in Africa and into Homo neanderthalis in Europe about 250,000 years ago. Homo sapiens moved out of Africa about 100,000 years ago reaching Europe 48,000 years ago. By 30,000 years ago H neanderthalis was extinct although there was some interbreeding between H neanderthalis and H sapiens.

"Cave men" refers to any of the hominins that lived in caves but has particular reference to H neanderthalis and H sapiens who left evidence such as hearths and wall paintings in caves in parts of Europe and Asia in particular.


Who was Neanderthal? Neanderthals never died out. They're still alive in the form of baby killers and the perverts.

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