My assessment of cruise ships?

List of reasons why cruise ships are not safe places.
The higher on the list, the more obvious.

1. A sinking ship is never a safe place to be, and ships do sink.
In fact if you want it to sink, just market it as "unsinkable".

2. If one gets sick, or comes aboard sick but with no symptoms yet...
everybody gets sick.

3. The crew is usually multinational, especially the medical crew.
And that means doctors with vastly differing skill levels by comparison to each other.

4. The rules of the ship is the only real law, in international waters.
While that is BETTER than the law on land set by governments...
The concept is much riskier.

In fact on land, most of the world is poor, because of private rules set by those in charge of small private jurisdictions.

5. Not all governments are good, or even democratically legit.
If they were, China would be a free country, trading tea and silk, for manufactured goods, Beijing would still be Peking...
and American Chinese food, would actually be what is sold in China, instead of in Taiwan.

and the fact is, cruise ships are soft targets, even more on the inside, than on the out.

no name2017-12-16T20:43:28Z

Is the my assessment of cruise ships faulty?
If it is, the answer is yes.

Karen L2017-12-16T20:03:23Z

Yes, that seems to be your assessment of cruise ships. I'm not sure why you needed to ask us.