Do You Use Profanity?

If yes how often?
How do you feel about profanity in general?

(This is NOT a judgement question, profanities only bother me to hear children using it for likely they don't understand the meaning of the words. If they do, that is even worse).

Mr. Brooks2017-12-30T16:07:24Z

Favorite Answer

It depends where I am. I usually don't swear online. I sometimes swear on text messages or phone calls, but it depends on who I'm talking to and what my mood is. Whenever I am alone and I make a mistake or something frustrating happens, I usually repeatedly say the F word under my breath.


Yes, I use profanity everyday.




It depends on who I am around. My family doesn't like using swear words, so I only swear around my friend. All in fun though.



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