What if you have no good memories from the past and if you do you can't remember them?


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I cannot remember my past, but I'm okay with that bc my life began when I asked Jesus into my heart. He is my family now, my friend now, my everything

Pearl L2018-01-17T03:19:45Z

maybe you can ask someone from your past to remind you of your good memories


Idk, if you're talking about childhood, most of mine are bad.. and I can't remember so much! I have however, experienced deep inner healing and am nowadays very happy, peaceful and even joyful. Hope you will be too.


Are you saying you have no memories you consider good? Or that you are so full of bad memories, that you forget about the good?

If you hold bad memories that were from longer than 6 months ago, then the reason you remember them is because you haven't learned what the bad memories need to teach you to lead you into the future and not repeat the same mistakes.

Good memories generally stay with you a very long time, but you may forget them until you get some kind of external stimuli trigger (like a smell or sound that takes you back to the good memories). As mentioned above, you can always start today, in making new good memories. Your ticket to the future is blank, you can make your future whatever you want it to be.

The vast majority of the life of the vast majority of people is filled with the mundane. The mundane is always forgotten. Because it isn't good enough to remember, nor is it bad enough to have a lesson to teach you until you can dispense with it.


If you're having memory problems, there is now some help. I've read that even Alzheimer victims can be helped with their memory afflictions, if they start early enough.

(I'm assuming that is what you're talking about, because you said you can't remember your memories.)

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