Why are so many teenagers in such a rush to be adults?

As a teenager I wanted to stay young. I was afraid of growing up and having all the responsibilities of an adult. But I see so many young people on here who want to be grown ups. Why?


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What do they say about the grass being greener, I think that's the attitude these days as I never wanted to be an adult and have to work nearly 7 days a week to pay my rent. I enjoyed my teen years and wish I could go back to the comfort of my Parents. I therefore blame the internet for a lot of these things.


I only miss being a teen for getting laid so easily by east teen girls.


When you're young you want to be older and when you're older you want to be young. A crazy world we live in.


People tend to anticipate the future will be more agreeable. They should simply enjoy every stage of the present for what it is.

As a kid, I wanted to stay a child.
As a teen, I enjoyed being a teen, and when I became an adult I was scared of the responsibility and didn't know my face from my butt.

As an adult, I love being an adult and making my own decisions. Even dumb ones.


Because school sucks.

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