The "holy spirit" or the "holy spirits". Reference Hebrews1:14 Are we misreading the Bible by tradition and not facts?
Christ said the angels of Heaven would be seen decsending upon Him. Hebrews1:14 says angels are ministering spirits. 1John4:1-6 says test spirits you speak with that they are from God. Many Bible translations say plural "the holy spirits" and not singular holy "spirit".
Specifically to ask the question: That trinity isn't in the Bible, nor "holy spirit"(singular), but "holy spirits"(plural) and angels (interchanged) is. Is the term "holy spirit" a mistranslation when it was always "the holy spirits"? Many Bible translations that say "holy spirits" and not singular anywhere. Are the churches being led by mistranslation by tradition and not the truth in this? 1 John4:1-6 says spirits. Tradition it has been said, is the greatest enemy of truth.
There are some 7 different definitions for the Hebrew and Greek words we translate into English as 'spirit'
1 Breath (the literal translation) 2. Wind 3. Spirit beings (God and his angels also Satan and his demons) 4. An individual's thoughts 5. An individual's zeal and emotions 6. Life force (medical science calls it electricity which they can measure) 7. God's holy spirit (active force, breath, finger see Luke 11:20)
What we do not want to do is take a word such as spirit and give it the meaning not intended.
Eccl 12:7 It is our spirit, our life force (#6), that returns to God, and not a spirit being (#3) that returns to God.
Hebrews 1:14 is dealing with angelic beings who are in God's image (being spirits) are said to be holy or clean.
What is interesting is we take the root meanings of the word spirit (breath) and the root meaning of the word soul (breather) we get.
God blew spirit (breath) into Adam and he became a living soul (breather)
That which is not material may be called 'spirit'. Some spirit creatures can manifest themselves on Earth as if they were humans and that's why the Old Testament has many such episodes. We even have times when the pre-incarnate Christ appeared on Earth as a man, before He actually became flesh (John 1:1-14).
It's a complex subject, especially when the Holy Spirit (brooding over the newly created dark waters of this world) is described in Heaven as "the seven-fold Spirit of God" surrounding God's throne. Then again, the throne is described as not only having God on it, but the Lamb (Jesus Christ) in the center of that throne, and all Heaven's angel creatures worshipping before the throne.
There are lots of things we're not going to fully understand till we get into the glory, but Hebrews 1:14 is plain to understand when you see how the Bible distinguishes between the unique, uncreated Holy Spirit, and the ministering spirits who are created - the angels. They all inhabit the spirit realm, you see, but they can manifest materially too.
This is why you have to seek a spiritual advisor. You may find one here, amidst many who are mediocre or misleading. That is why God gave His people priests and ministers, hermits and holy people. It wasn't God's idea, but the Hebrews' idea. When Moses came down from the mountain, the people were afraid of seeing God. The burning bush freaked them out so they prayed for a more normal less frightening way of seeing God. And so, God sent out prophets, and if a prophet didn't say what God wanted him or her to say, they were dead meat.
So, anyone here claiming to speak for God and is not a minister, like don't even pay attention to them.