why cant I get a refund on the remainder of my registration?

When my Nissan was totaled I got a refund for the time left on the registration. A year later I bought a Honda. Recently I traded it in for a Hyundai, but now the dealership is saying I am not entitled to a refund for the 8 yr registration which was less than a year old on the Honda, and I no longer own the car and I also paid for the reg.on the Hyundai. Why? Are they full of s#t? In both cases I had time left on the reg. The only difference is, one was totaled and the other was a trade in of which I paid for both registrations. So I paid for 2 registration one of which I no longer own so why don't I get a refund on it?




Favorite Answer

I know it doesnt sound fair, but you can only get a refund if the car is totalled or is permanenly removed from the road

Dan B2018-02-04T00:58:08Z

8yr registration on a car? From a dealership? You got scammed. They've got your money and they're going to keep it. They only bought your 1st year's registration - that's all the time most states allow registration to run. AZ allows 2yr registrations on older cars. Other states may do that also, but not for 8 years that I know of.

Obi Wan Knievel2018-02-02T08:28:23Z

Because you forgot to mention where you live, dummy. Also because you forgot that registration costs and refunds are decided by state / provincial / territorial / whatever legislation, not dealerships.

Figure out where you live, look up the laws and regulations for vehicle registration refunds in that jurisdiction, then come back with those details and ask your question again.

Marie K2018-02-01T22:16:34Z

WHERE do you live? Where I live the license plate gets moved to the new car and the records are updated. Also registration gets paid EVERY YEAR where I live.


The state gave you a refund because the loss of the car was involuntary. I'm only guessing here because you didn't mention the state. And yes, the state issues refunds, not the dealer

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