MAT vs. MA in Elementary Education?

I have been debating which program would be better for me. I've done some reading and have found that the MAT is looked at as almost having a BS degree in Teaching because it's considered specializing in a field such as math, English or a science. On the other hand with a MA in Early Childhood Education I could look at having a masters and teaching between Pre-school - 3rd grade. The MAT sounds more attractive to me. But I wanted to know if it's considered having a Masters Degree or is it looked at more of a Bachelors degree. Any Feedback would be great.


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Both the MAT (Masters in the Art of Teaching) and an MA (Master of Arts) are masters degrees. The MAT usually is one year of study past the BA degree. In many states, people who want to teach high school must have a degree in the field they want to study, and then and MAT where they take courses in how to teach. A degree in Early Childhood, as you say, qualifies you to teach pre-3rd grade. You need to look at the qualifications for teaching licensure in your state. Look on the state's Department of Education website.