Do Trump supporters understand they are mentally retarded?

Oh wait you retarded you can't understand


The attribution of learning disability to opponents is more a right-wing idea than a left-wing one.


I'm a class A moron. Just like my first cousin parents who are also my grandchildren.


I'm going to do you a favour by not ignoring this post, to inform you of the following:

1, it's not nice when you call people names like that, even if other people do behave badly.
2. People won't take you seriously, so it's a good habit to get out of.
3. When you are older ;) you MIGHT (Or not) learn that when you call people names, it doesn't really do anything good for you and in fact it will make people think that YOU are in fact the dummy.

4. it isn't productive.
5. Everybody makes mistakes and you can't always blame them for it. You see how I just treated you nicely, even though my opinion of you is extremely poor?


No they're not But they are so desperately in need of a father figure that they adopted Trump,huge warts and all


Actually their minds are fine, some of the logical pretzels they twist themselves into are impressive. It’s humanity they lack. Tiny black little hearts.

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