if you had the power what would be your solution to the recent school shootings?


Favorite Answer

Ban schools. I like to think out of the box.

Darumu J2018-02-23T14:49:36Z

Need more strict security systems.

Player 12018-02-23T13:14:24Z

I'd fire whoever's responsible for the FBI following protocol. Maybe even put said person to death.


Universal health care with free mental health screening. Though this would have done nothing to stop someone like Paddock who appeared completely healthy in his mental state. But that's just the first step.

The abolition and voiding of all individual gun laws throughout the country and its replacement with a national standard that every state, county, city and gun store must follow to the letter. No exceptions whatsoever.

A national firearm registry, including a striation registry bank that would allow the tracking of any and all weapons even if serial numbers were filed off. Thus finally giving law enforcement the tools necessary to put an end to the illegal gun market and choking the nuts off every gang in this country and in Mexico (and I didn't need to deport a single person to do it).

There. I just abolished 20,000 laws, made government smaller and more efficient and made every single person safer. What honest conservative could claim disagreement?


Those bullet proof back packs are a good idea.

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