Does Todd Coontz have any message other than “send me “1000 seed money”?

He’s the televangelist for Seeds of Change.


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He must be another preacher of "the prosperity gospel." He wants to get feeble-minded Christians to send him their hard-earned money so he can be rich.


Please use that money to help people you know if you can spare it and ease some suffering in the world.


Never heard of him, but could his main message be something about planting seeds of change, or something to that effect?

The Book of David2018-03-03T16:32:23Z

Yes. His other message is: Make the check payable to "cash".


Every preacher has the same message of salvation.
"Give me your money, or be tortured forever" is the universal message of every preacher.
Never will you hear a sermon without hearing how bad god needs your money.