Can I wear a hat to work after a bad haircut?

So I was cutting my hair and I couldn't do my back so I asked my sister to help me. She accidently went to fast a nd left a big bald spot. It's pretty big and I have work tomorrow. I'm not going to shave my whole head because I don't like the way I look. If I ask my manager my situation, will they allow me to wear a hat till it grows back? I work in a backroom of a retail store.


Favorite Answer

Depends on your company


Wear high heels so no one can see the top of your head


Well it depends where you work, some places will allow it and some places will just straight up say no


You should definitely talk to your supervisor to see what the policy is. If hats aren't allowed, you could look into hairline filler powder. My sister used it to cover her bald spots when she suffered from anorexia and started losing her hair in clumps.

There's different companies that make it so I don't have an exact brand to recommend to you. But, getting a color that closely matches your hair color may help hide the spot better than not doing anything at all.

Pearl L2018-03-04T03:41:38Z

i would ask your manager first to make sure its okay

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