Please help me find this music video it s driving me up the wall insane all I remember is the video?
So I like to put youtube on and have it play though music and this one video would haunt me and is currently haunting me. I really like the sound of the song but there s no lyrics in my head(it s pretty muffled a song)
So to the music video, it starts with some lady in her room and these lights are moving, she goes to look in a mirror and her heart escapes? And under her shirt where her heart should be there are lights. Her heart is a black clay creature which she takes to this psychic or voodoo place and the man take the heart creature and drops it in this triangle box like structure and wheels it into a light room. There s flashes of light and the lady finds herself curious and looks behind a curtain to see a bunch of people sitting.
The heart creature, meanwhile, is stuck watching a filmstrip of the man.
At the end of the video the heart was sent in a take out container to some man who eats it.
The whole video is stop motion.
Any ideas? It s really driving me insane, I just wanna hear the song again.