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There are seven things God hates (Proverbs 6:16–19). The article below explains what they are and why we should be aware of them. However, unlike us, God's judgments are perfect and Jesus said we should do good to those who hate us (Luke 6:27). But that doesn't mean we should love whatever people choose to do!
This is what the Bible says on the matter:
Proverbs 8:13 - To fear the Lord is to hate evil.
Proverbs 13:5: The righteous hate what is false.
Ecclesiastes 3:8: There is a time to love and a time to hate.
Amos 5:15: Hate evil, love good.
Romans 12:9: Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Hebrews 1:9: Love righteousness and hate wickedness.
While it is good and proper to hate the evil things that people do, it is wrong to hate the person. Christians must stand up for what is good and pure and condemn the things that God hates.
What plan is that? The requirements of the bible or the requirements set forth and made up by religious leaders? Big difference between the two. Jesus said not to judge others, yet I see Christians as being among the worst in terms of judging others based on what they wear, who they have sexual relations with, etc.
My lord, what kind of mind needs someone else to tell them who to hate? Can't they figure that out on their own? How do you know it is "God's plan"? It could be a leak from fake news source
Jesus decreed: hate is the same as murder (that is hate for a person).
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the unrighteous: those who have exchanged the glory of the Living God for a lie. They have received within themselves the due penalty for their error. Therefore, why hate? They are tormented within themselves as their punishment. Shouldn't we do as commanded and love them and lead them to the light?
God hates sin because it's killing us.
When I was lost, degrading myself by worshiping created things rather than the creator of all things; He loved me anyway. He brought me into relationship with Himself to give me true life... even real life.... life everlasting.
How is it fair to God that He took the punishment that I deserved and paid it on the cross?
How is it fair TO GOD, that just because I believed the good news, and trusted in His Son, that I should be saved, and rewarded with paradise as my eternal home?
Ask for understanding. It is because of my own humility... knowing how lost and without hope I was.... that I gladly serve in love to share this message. How can you hate someone when they don't know that they don't know? Pray for them. Never wag a finger at anyone.
Psalm 37 commands us to 'not fret' about what the wicked do. Doing so LEADS to evil.
Ooof.... I'm full of words on this subject, and could go on and on.... but I'll leave it for now hoping that your heart is softened and encouraged, my brother.
God was invented by bigots and hate-mongers to justify their penchant for bigotry and hate-mongering. This explains why only hate-mongers and bigots join religitard cults and espouse ludicrous beliefs that an imaginary bestest friend specially anointed them to persecute violate denigrate assault conquer and murder their neighbors. Rolls eyes