Video editor playing video in green?
I m using Power Director for editing videos. Videos play trust fine if I m doing it from the video library but when I put them in the editor all I get is a green screen.
I m using Power Director for editing videos. Videos play trust fine if I m doing it from the video library but when I put them in the editor all I get is a green screen.
Laurence I
Favorite Answer
your question should be posted on the cyberlink forums not here. it will either be a codec problem,like you are missing one for the Content you are trying to edit, or your video card hardware isnt supported properly. in the post below someone also turned off shadow files which may be in the settings for the editor. You may have a POOR version of your gpu driver which you should UPDATE if you can. there are youtube videos on the problem search "Power Director 10-15 Green Playback Fix"