Which of the following cities would be the best to move to?

(You'll get a cookie if you add a why to your claim)

New York City
Chicago Illinois
Boston, Massachussetts
Washington DC
Cleveland, Ohio
Baltimore, Maryland


Without having any idea of what criteria you are rating them on, we cannot give you a useful answer.

Myself, if I wanted to live in the northeast snow belt I would choose Pittsburgh. It is a far nicer city than most people thing, housing is low in cost, there are lots of jobs, cultural life is almost as good as NYC or Boston and there is little pollution any more.

But if I were to return to the USA (I lived in the US from 2001 to 2010, I would return to Los Angeles or if I wanted cheaper housing, look at Henderson, Nevada.


Boston, because it has the best social security and is a beautiful city with many things to do. Furthermore, it is not as windy as Chicago and not as poor as DC and Cleveland (which is also crime-ridden). NYC is ugly compared to Boston and too much traffic jam and more air pollution. In Baltimore there is nothing to do unless you ships and EA Poe.