Can lesbian women still think about sex with men?
☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04
☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04
They might think about it but are not interested in doing it.
Many women who believe they are lesbian (that is, strictly homosexual) are actually capable of responding to both females and males, but they are not aware of that. (The same is true for many males who believe they are strictly homosexual, and for many who believe they are strictly heterosexual, too.)
For these people, they have had only glimpses of their bisexuality ("weird" dreams, "forbidden" thoughts, unexpected attractions, one-off, drunken encounters). They consciously reject these experiences and quickly forget about them. But the capability is there, buried, regardless of their preference. So yes - SOME women, who consider themselves to be lesbian, CAN still think about sex with a man.
No. That's why they are called lesbian.