Is creative/descriptive writing a genre?

For part of my English exam, we have to write an extract from our best piece of writing and identify its title and genre. However, I’m slightly confused by what to write for the genre. we were given examples such as if you’re piece is a character analysis of a fictional character from a novel, the genre is fiction, or if you write about a play it’s drama, but I’ve written kind of a short 1st person narrative story that was given to us months ago as homework as a descriptive writing essay. Would my genre in this case be descriptive writing? Or short story? Or creative writing? Or creative/descriptive writing?


Are you sure you don't mean "identify it's title and genre"?


All the "genres" you named are too broad.
In your case, if the story is made up, even if it is descriptive, it is fiction.
HOWEVER, as fiction can be romantic, young adult, science, mystery, etc, calling it "descriptive fiction" should be presentable.

Sir Caustic2018-04-25T19:35:20Z

Oh, the terrible, terrible irony..............!


I don't believe so but don't quote me on that lol