Should i stay in virtual school or go back to public school.?

Ok, so im having a difficult time thinking about this. But i really miss public school. Ever since i started virtual school, i have gotten more anti-social and not talkative and really shy, i was never like this. I have absolutely no friends and stay locked up in one room seeing only 2 faces my whole day. Its like a prison. I miss seeing other people, making friends, and actually learning stuff. I have also gotten really like... bored. I dont feel motivated no more. At least in school, the teachers help you with work and motivate and get you exited to learn. But in virtual school, you just get a screen to read and nothing motivational at all. I do pennfoster highschool as well so its hard to drop out of this school. Should i just work harder and complete it by August and experience high school, or stay? Im having a hard time thinking about this. Please help...


Favorite Answer

if going to public school makes you happy then go for it. Good luck


Introvert/extravert tendencies are there since birth. You aren't becoming more anything. You're an extravert and after school is over, you'll continue to be an extravert.

The outcome will be fine, but if you want social engagement, you can either go back to regular school, or go places where you can meet other people. Nobody is forcing you to stay indoors.