Is NEXX a good brand for a helmet?

I want to buy a helmet for my street (naked) bike and I found one I like.

The brand is NEXX. Is it any good?

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Never heard of that brand, but if it meets US DOT standards, it's about as good as any other helmet you can buy. The IMPORTANT thing about a motorcycle helmet is how it fits YOUR head. People's heads are not all the same shape, and helmets from different manufacturers fit differently. If your helmet is not comfortable to wear, then you won't enjoy the ride. ALWAYS try on a new helmet BEFORE you buy, to insure proper fit and comfort.

Candid Chris2018-05-19T19:06:38Z

Have to agree with the visor, it does look to have decent air-flow but usually a visor puts extra pressure on your neck muscles which can be tiresome for long rides.


Looks like an adventure helmet with that visor. Agree a visor's a bad idea for a street bike. I prefer helmets with internal drop-down sun visors, like Nolan, LS2, Schuberth, Caberg, Shoei, many others. Look at some gear websites. Buy a helmet that fits.

Tim D2018-05-19T05:48:30Z

Never heard of them.

If the helmet is to be "good" it has to fit, if it does not fit snugly then it is not going to be able to protect you.

EDIT: I disagree on the subject of the visor, I have a couple of trail-type helmets with visors which perform well at speed, they have similar gaps that allow air to flow around them with minimal interference and they do a great job of keeping the low sun out of my eyes. I have not noticed any increased pressure on my neck in comparison with my normal helmet.

Ian K2018-05-19T02:56:57Z

How does it fit?

Ride over 50mph? That visor might be an issue if you don't have windscreen.

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