Would you prefer to pay more towards the National Health or see the UK cut some of its military programs?




Either suits me


See the UK cut all health care.

Bond James Bond2018-05-24T15:18:38Z

I prefer that they cut the demand for it by sending the millions of illegal immigrants back and then the supply chain won’t be strained.It’s not about money it’s about organisation.Any fool can pour money into a bottomless pit.The NHS needs to be free for those who can’t afford it;the rest need to pay for it


Considering the NHS consumed 110 Billion pds, and Defense only 46 Billion in taxes there isn't much room for give there, at least considering the NHS needs at least 22 Billion just to break even cutbacks in Defense will only go so far. In recent polls over 61% of English Citizens favor a tax increase, so I suspect that will be the path the government takes.

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